Kullanıcı: kevotabwmy

Üyelik zamanı: 3 hafta (16, Mayıs, 16)
Tür: Kayıtlı kullanıcı
Tam adı:
Site Adresi: http://beckettkzzo864.cavandoragh.org/dr-joe-glickman-61
Hakkında: Dr. Glickman’s popular medical books, called Phantom Notes™, were released in 17 editions and have actually been purchased in over 90% of United States and Canadian Health Science and Medical School Bookstores.

Sold in over 30 nations, and translated in several foreign languages, such as Chinese, Phantom Notes™ taught the major scientific subjects of Surgery, Internal Medicine, Pediatrics, and OB-Gyn.

Doctor Glickman’s Phantom Notes™ helped in the training of tens of thousands medical students and nursing students responsible for millions of of clients.

Phantom Notes™ were discovered to be a vital manuscript for medical doctors and nurses who needed the vital truths immediately.

Phantom Notes™ assisted them to determine the proper medical diagnosis in a serious emergency on the health center wards.

Medical students and doctors have written lots of compliments about the Phantom Notes™.

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