Kullanıcı: uvcureadhesivecom

Üyelik zamanı: 1 ay (16, Mart, 16)
Tür: Kayıtlı kullanıcı
Tam adı: UV Curable Adhesives Manufacturer
Yer: Shenzhen, Guangdong, China
Site Adresi: https://www.uvcureadhesive.com/about/
Hakkında: Shenzhen DeepMaterial Technologies Co., Ltd is a professional uv cure adhesive glue manufacturer and supplier,manufacturing uv cure acrylic adhesive,uv cure anaerobic adhesive,uv cure cyanoacrylate adhesive,uv cure silicone adhesive,uv cure epoxy adhesive,uv cure polyurethane adhesive,uv curable pressure sensitive adhesive,uv curable conformal coating,uv curing potting compounds,uv curing encapsulants,uv cured epoxy potting and so on for metal,plastic,glass and rubber bonding solutions.

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Yorumları: 0
Oyları: 0 soru, 0 cevap
Verdiği Oylar: 0 artı oy, 0 eksi oy
Aldığı Oylar: 0 artı oy, 0 eksi oy

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